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Resilience: The Patriotic Lives of the Issei and Nisei

Resilience: The Patriotic Lives of the Issei and Nisei

Let’s learn about what life was like for the Japanese immigrants who settled along the West Coast–how they assimilated into American culture, raised their families, and flourished, despite the barriers of restrictive laws and policies and the open hostility from Japanese exclusionists. Join us as we continue our exploration of the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II.

Passages read by Kimi Cunningham Grant from her memoir, Silver Like Dust.

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  • Host: Sharon McMahon
  • Executive Producer: Heather Jackson
  • Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder
  • Writers and Researchers: Sharon McMahon, Heather Jackson



Guest image for Kimi Cunningham Grant

Kimi Cunningham Grant

Kimi Cunningham Grant is the author of three books. Silver Like Dust is a memoir chronicling her Japanese-American grandparents and their internment during World War II. She is also the author of two novels, Fallen Mountains and These Silent Woods. Kimi is a two-time winner of a Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Memorial Prize in Poetry and a recipient of a Pennsylvania Council on the Arts fellowship in creative nonfiction. She lives with her family in Pennsylvania.