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New Mexico: The Land of Enchantment with Austin Graff

New Mexico: The Land of Enchantment with Austin Graff

Did you know that it took 60 years for New Mexico to become a U.S. state? Sharon tells travel writer Austin Graff fascinating stories about New Mexico - or the land of enchantment, as some call it - and shares that it's home to ancient cultures, and breathtaking landscapes. The region has been continuously inhabited for over 1,000 years and some of the artifacts found in New Mexico date back to the time of the Egyptian pyramids. Unfortunately, due to prejudice against Indigenous and Hispanic people, Congress was hesitant to add New Mexico as a state. Join Sharon and Austin as they uncover how New Mexico became a state and explore the many wonders within its borders.

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  • Host: Sharon McMahon
  • Executive Producer: Heather Jackson
  • Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder



Guest image for Austin Graff

Austin Graff

Austin Graff is a contributing travel writer for the Washington Post where he also leads the talent, marketing and branding division. Austin is American but grew up in Russia. He has travelled to 70 countries.

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