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Mayhem: The 1970s You Never Knew, Episode 8

Mayhem: The 1970s You Never Knew, Episode 8

A happenstance introduction to Charles Manson. Assassination attempts against President Ford– a man who was never elected to the vice presidency or presidency. And the kidnapping of college student and newspaper heiress, 19-year-old Patty Hearst, that rocked the nation. Following Nixon’s resignation and the end of the Vietnam war, the country was in freefall. When, and how, did the U.S. begin to mend its wounds from political scandal and years of a grueling war? And what role did an unconventional campaign and powerful grassroots efforts have, regarding a certain peanut farmer who would later become president?

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  • Host: Sharon McMahon
  • Executive Producer: Sharon McMahon
  • Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder
  • Writers and Researchers: Amy Watkin, Mandy Reid, Kari Anton
  • Production Coordinator: Andrea Champoux