Podcast tile for In the Shadow of Liberty with Ana Raquel Minian on Here's Where It Gets Interesting

In the Shadow of Liberty with Ana Raquel Minian

In the Shadow of Liberty with Ana Raquel Minian

You hear on the news about immigration chaos in the United States, but what can be done to address the systemic issues, and the very real concerns of Americans? What was the driving force of the exclusion of some immigrant groups? And how has immigration changed over the years? Sharon McMahon is joined by author and expert, Ana Raquel Minian, to discuss her new book, In the Shadow of Liberty. Together, they dive into the history of immigration so we can better understand how to move forward.

Special thanks to our guest, Ana Raquel Minian, for joining us today.

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  • Host: Sharon McMahon
  • Audio Producer: Mike Voulgaris
  • Production Coordinator: Andrea Champoux



Ana Raquel Minian

Ana Raquel Minian is a professor of history at Stanford University and the author of the award-winning book Undocumented Lives, published by Harvard University Press in 2018. A recipient of the prestigious Andrew Carnegie fellowship, their writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Atlantic, and Foreign Affairs, among other outlets. Originally from Mexico City, they now live in the Bay Area.