Podcast tile for Idaho: Rebecca Brown Mitchell and the Fire in Her Bones


Idaho: Rebecca Brown Mitchell and the Fire in Her Bones

Idaho: Rebecca Brown Mitchell and the Fire in Her Bones

She's an incredible woman that is often left out of the history books: Rebecca Brown Mitchell of Idaho. In this solo episode, Sharon shares that Rebecca was known to have a “fire in her bones” that fueled her deep passion for education and justice. Rebecca’s story begins on the dirt-floor of an abandoned saloon in Idaho Falls. There, she taught the town’s children how to read and write, and she hosted weekly Sunday School. Flashing forward a few years, Rebecca established the town’s first school and church, became deeply involved in the Idaho State legislature and led a women’s rights movement within the state. Here is the story of how Rebecca Brown did it all and eventually gained Idaho women the right to vote nearly twenty years earlier than the rest of American women were granted the same right.

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  • Host: Sharon McMahon
  • Executive Producer: Heather Jackson