
Hubert Humphrey and the Fight for Civil Rights with Samuel Freedman
Hubert Humphrey and the Fight for Civil Rights with Samuel Freedman
Do you ever wonder how deep the roots of white supremacy, “America First” policies, and Christian Nationalism go? Or how these belief systems appeared prior to the Civil Rights Movement? Sharon sits down with author, journalist, and educator, Samuel Freedman, to discuss a man who has arguably gotten too little credit in the Civil Rights Movement: former VP Hubert Humphrey.
There would be no Civil Rights movement in the 1950s and 60s without the groundwork that was laid in the 1940s. What inspired a very “vanilla guy” to care so deeply about these issues in the early 1900s, when it was not politically popular? What planted the seeds of his deep interior life and shaped the value system he had since childhood? In his book, “Into the Bright Sunshine,” Freedman shares unknown stories of what influenced Humphrey as an adolescent, and makes the case that Humphrey’s impact in the Civil Rights movement was pivotal in American history.
Special thanks to our guest, Samuel Freedman, for joining us today.
- Host: Sharon McMahon
- Executive Producer: Sharon McMahon
- Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder
- Production Coordinator: Andrea Champoux

- Host: Sharon McMahon
- Executive Producer: Sharon McMahon
- Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder
- Production Coordinator: Andrea Champoux

Samuel Freedman
Samuel G. Freedman is an award-winning author, journalist, and educator. He has been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award and has won the National Jewish Book Award and the New York Public Library’s Helen Bernstein Award. His columns for the New York Times about education and religion have received national prizes. He is a professor at Columbia University, and has been named the nation’s Outstanding Journalism Educator by the Society of Professional Journalists.