
How the Future Shapes Our National History with Heather Cox Richardson
How the Future Shapes Our National History with Heather Cox Richardson
Listeners regularly write in and ask to hear a conversation between Sharon and political history expert Heather Cox Richardson. That day is today! Heather Cox Richardson shares how she believes the way we use language influences how we see our political views, allies, and enemies. Together, Sharon and Heather also touch on the ways that our future shapes how we view the past. Tune in to understand what they mean.
- Host: Sharon McMahon
- Executive Producer: Heather Jackson
- Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder

- Host: Sharon McMahon
- Executive Producer: Heather Jackson
- Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder
Heather Cox Richardson
Heather Cox Richardson is Professor of History at Boston College and an expert on American political and economic history. She is the author of six books on American politics including, most recently, How the South Won the Civil War: Oligarchy, Democracy and the Continuing Fight for the Soul of America. She is a leading #Twitterstorian, explaining the historical background of modern political issues through Twitter threads, the co-editor of We’re History, a web magazine of popular history, and the author of Letters from an American, a chronicle of American politics.