Podcast tile for Democracy Awakening with Heather Cox Richardson on Here's Where It Gets Interesting


Democracy Awakening with Heather Cox Richardson

Democracy Awakening with Heather Cox Richardson

When did the political parties change sides? Is America a Democracy, or a Constitutional Republic? How has America always managed to preserve Democracy as a global symbol, and how can we reclaim some of those Democratic principles? Sharon welcomes back political historian, author, and Professor Heather Cox Richardson, one of our most popular podcast guests of all time, who has a new book out: Democracy Awakening. Taking a different approach to this book from her previous work, Heather answers some of the big picture questions – once and for all – that readers have asked for years, relating directly to America’s current standing as a Democracy.

Special thanks to our guest, Heather Cox Richardson, for joining us today.

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  • Host: Sharon McMahon
  • Executive Producer: Sharon McMahon
  • Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder
  • Production Coordinator: Andrea Champoux



Heather Cox Richardson

Heather Cox Richardson is Professor of History at Boston College and an expert on American political and economic history. She is the author of six books on American politics including, most recently, How the South Won the Civil War: Oligarchy, Democracy and the Continuing Fight for the Soul of America. She is a leading #Twitterstorian, explaining the historical background of modern political issues through Twitter threads, the co-editor of We’re History, a web magazine of popular history, and the author of Letters from an American, a chronicle of American politics.