Podcast tile for Delaware: “Census Taker of the Sky” with Quigley and Alex Goode on Here's Where It Gets Interesting


Delaware: “Census Taker of the Sky” with Quigley and Alex Goode

Delaware: “Census Taker of the Sky” with Quigley and Alex Goode

Born on the eve of the women’s suffrage movement, Annie Jump Cannon was an American astronomer and pioneer of star classification who acquired a college education and made a career for herself in a society that discouraged both of which. Known as the “Census Taker of the Sky,” Annie is most well-known for developing a star cataloging and classification system that astronomers still use today, known as the Harvard spectral classification system. Born and raised in Delaware, today Annie is considered Delaware’s contribution to American innovation, she has been inducted into the Royal Astronomical Society, and the asteroid 1120 Cannonia is named in her honor. Annie Jump Cannon is an example of what can happen when your gifts and passions align. Sharon is joined by Quigley and Alex Goode, professional content creators and founders of Soulcial Media, to learn about this legend in astronomy.

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  • Host: Sharon McMahon
  • Executive Producer: Heather Jackson



Quigley Goode

Quigley and Alex Goode, professional content creators and founders of Soulcial Media, an educational resource designed to provide the mental and logistical support needed to thrive in the world of content creation. Quigley and Alex Goode are married, reside in Los Angeles, and have one adorable son.