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Built From the Fire with Victor Luckerson

Built From the Fire with Victor Luckerson

Perhaps you've heard of theTulsa Race Massacre, but what is the truth behind this devastating piece of history? Sharon talks with author Victor Lukerson about his new book, Built From the Fire, which brings to light the atmosphere and events in Oklahoma that make up the 1921 riot. Or, as Victor calls it–the pogrom, or organized extermination of an ethnic group. Learn about the violence and destruction white Tulsa wrecked on the prosperous black community of Greenwood and the effects that are still felt today, a century later.

Special thanks to our guest, Victor Luckerson for joining us today. You can order Built From the Fire here.

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  • Host: Sharon McMahon
  • Executive Producer: Heather Jackson
  • Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder



Victor Luckerson

Victor Luckerson is a journalist and author based in Tulsa who works to bring neglected Black history to light. He is a former staff writer at The Ringer and business reporter for TIME. His writing and research have appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times, Wired, and Smithsonian. He was nominated for a National Magazine Award for his reporting in TIME on the 1923 Rosewood Massacre. He also manages an email newsletter about underexplored aspects of Black history called Run It Back. His book Built From The Fire is out now from Random House.